1/14/2017 Beauchamp Sinfonietta News Annual General Meeting reportFor those who do not know, the Beauchamp Sinfonietta is run as a charitable company with the company directors as the members for constitutional purposes. This means that we do not have an annual business meeting that includes all the players (though anyone is welcome to become a director – see below!). This note therefore gives you a short summary of the issues covered at the AGM of the company. Firstly, the financial position of the orchestra. Last year was financially the worst year for many seasons with the orchestra suffering a loss of more than £5.5K. There were two elements to this poor position; we had only two external bookings that financial year and we had some very poor audience levels. The October 2015 concert weekend alone made a loss of more than £3K. Moving to Southam was one response to this problem and this has reduced our expenses and the first concert weekend had a loss of £1.6K. This year we also have 4 external bookings and so if audience levels remain at the level of the October weekend, we should show a small surplus in the current year. Therefore, without good audience levels and support for external bookings, the orchestra is not financially secure. This explained my appeal to the audiences in October for help with publicity. We need as many people as possible helping to distribute posters, using social media and e mail routes for publicity as well as w0rd 0f mouth for ticket sales etc. Secondly, the Committee is getting into difficulties because we are too few in number. Julie Bradley has done extraordinary work behind the scenes in publicising the orchestra’s concerts, for more than 25 years and she can keep this up no longer. Without new help from orchestra members, we will be in trouble. There are currently only 7 directors on the Committee including Julie. Your chairman holds the position having agreed to return to the role about 3 or 4 years ago (I had been chair for about 8 years in my previous stint) on a temporary basis (for 18 months, ho ho) whilst an alternative was found. No alternative has emerged. The truth is that given the fact that members of the orchestra are sometimes serving on the committees of other local orchestras and cannot be expected to spread their energies too thinly (though some of course do valiantly serve on more than one committee!), anyone who plays at all regularly with us really needs to be also helping in some non playing role, sometimes on the committee and sometimes without that being necessary. Pauline Peck and Trevor Maunder in particular are non committee members who do sterling work as librarian and in sorting out programmes etc. both of which are crucial jobs. The first priority is to deal with the publicity job. PublicityJulie has prepared an information sheet to summarise the work that needs to be done. Claire Johnson handles contact with the media so that is not covered here. If two (or more) people would take this on, the job can be easily divided up so that no-one has to take a huge set of tasks. It would also be possible if six people could help for two people to cover one weekend a year each, making the job even more manageable. The separate summary from Julie is added to the end of this newsletter for your information, and it suggests ways of dividing the work. Orchestra Celebration and MeetingGiven the way the constitution works, it is easy for players not to feel part of the orchestra – to feel they are just guests, and we are concerned that this needs to change if more people are to help with running the orchestra. Instead of a formal business meeting therefore, we thought that a more sociable event at the end of the main season would be an opportunity for us all to get together, thank those who have made the season a success and share ideas about the way forward. We would like to encourage all players (whether or not in the band) on 21st May to meet for food and drink after the Sunday afternoon concert. This will take place at the Royal Pug on Regent Street (in the promising sounding ‘Gin Room’, I believe!),and food will cost £10 a head. We hope as many of you as possible can put this date in your diaries and make a commitment to join us. Details will be confirmed at the rehearsals for this next concert and I will put them on the website – the players page. Dates for future seasons 7/8 October 2017 28/29 January 2018 14/ 15 April 2018 6 / 7 October 2018 26 / 27 Jan 2019 18 / 19 May 2019 Description of Publicity jobs(Julie) as of January 2017 A. POSTERS 1 At least 6 weeks ahead of concerts, Email Ranjit Vashi (designer) with details for poster design. Check proofs(involve Claire too to avoid missed errors), and send to printers. new printer is through Southam Advertisers, contact Nicki Check print proofs and OK for printing. At present A5 - 1000, A4 -100, and A2 —2 in waterproof ink for Southam A board. 2. Collect posters from Southam Deliver A5S and a few A4s to Grange hall. 2-3 weeks ahead of concerts put up posters in all public venues and shops in Southam. Some help from local volunteers from audience. 3. Two weeks before concert put up A2 posters on A board outside Grange Hall. Chain to fence. One week before concert put A-board outside Town Hall with (photocopied) A3s; chain to Council noticeboard Collect A boards after concerts and store at home 4.(2017 only at present); Send details for Advert in South Advertiser — contact -Karen before deadline — 20th of month before concert. Check proof and OK for printing. 5.Send out posters (by post) to distributors 4 weeks ahead of concert, incl. conductors 1person 6. 2-3 weeks ahead of concerts put up posters in all public venues and shops in Warwick,& L/Spa and villages if feasible. A week or two before concert check Town hall has put up previously delivered posters — they are bad at this! 2 people to share 7. Email A5 flyer to Emma ,Sue, Liz and Raymond for forwarding to orchestra players to cascade to contacts. Be sure to take A4s & A5s to rehearsals for players. 8. Check MTYE for upcoming concerts before our dates ; take or send A5s to be available for audiences. Ensure season’s brochures are available at both our concerts for audience to take. 9. A week before concerts email ticket vouchers for 2 comps to advertisers in our programme. 7,8 & 9 could be covered by 1 person B. OTHER JOBS THROUGH THE SEASON 1.Send details of future concerts to MTYE and magazines like Roundabout, meeting the deadline(3 per year) 2.Add future concert dates to Anti clash diary at Oxboffice promoters login (Currently I have not succeeded in this I’m afraid.) 3.In late Summer seek businesses to advertise in our programmes & contact present advertisers asking them to continue. Above 3 jobs could be done by 1 person Beauchamp Sinfonietta News |
Orchestra Celebration
Sunday May 21st after the Town Hall Tea Concert approx 5pm The Royal Pug, 141 Regent Street All players whether regular or occasional are warmly invited to join us to celebrate the season and to look forward to future successes. Food at £10 a head Rehearsal Schedule